Colour – followed "Creating a Duotone Effect with Camera Phone Images" tutorial (p.126–128).
Hollywood – followed "Grunge-Style Effects" tutorial (p.150–155).
Lighting – followed "The Design of Bokeh" tutorial (p.106–108).
Designer's Choice (Photo Effects) – followed "Sketch Fade Effect" tutorial (p.64–67).
Postcard – Designer's Choice used

Out of all my exploration pieces, this is my favourite for how it came out. I like the sketch-esque style of the composition, though what I find most noteworthy is how the fox comes out looking the least stylised of the different pieces. It adds a touch of realism to the design, and it makes sense that the fox is the most realistic because it's a part of my brand (Palette Fox).

I attempted to make my brand name and tagline match the same direction as the rest of the composition (I like diagonally-oriented pieces because they emphasise movement and come across as more dynamic in my opinion). I attempted to make them slightly blend with the rest of the composition whilst still standing out so that they don't get lost. To accomplish this, I used some of the effects found in the tutorial (Filters > Find Edges and adding a stroke to the rectangles).

